Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hena was back for a one week visit and as I am writ ting this, she would have been in the arms of beloved Amos.......I grew up with Hena; not only is she's a friend, she is a sister. We knew each other when we were in the Youth at the tender age of 15. We went through the journey of being a teenager to being a wife together. It has always been the two of us until now - Audrey and Hena works together - although separated by the South China Sea they are constantly e-mailing each other, not that I mind in-fact I am glad at least now when we go out it will be the three of us.

Who's Audrey????Being with That girl was an adrenalin rush....

With her..... I had the most exciting car rides.

- being chased by boys, men....

- being chased by boyfriends

- being chased by ex-boyfriends..

- chasing boys, men, boyfriends and ex-boyfriends....

But.... we mellowed..... and married and had kids (she has 3 boys!!!!!!)

So when Hena asked us out, again it was something that I look forward to.

I had a heavy schedule that day. Had dinner with my colleges@ Hai Pa Wang and half way had to leave for a movie - The Mummy III; We double-dated with Eng Siong and Eileen.By 11pm Audrey and Hena was at my place and we went to Atmosphere for a "decent" drink..


Two of my favourite people; Hena & Audrey

and these were what we had....yummy, yummy...



Then,we went to one of the night spot along Hilton. I must say... I felt a bit "old". Audrey, gone were those days when I can still do head-banging _(LOL) but I do enjoy the live band although I've seen better. Anyway,I glass of vodka-lime gave me a hangover until Monday (that show how old my body is....)

Guys, lets do it again....

Von voyage Hena until Christmas........

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