I am on leave today until Friday. I do plan to have quality time with the kids. Furthermore tomorrow is the boy's 7th birthday. The plan was to go to Damai but had to postponed coz Maysun couldn't get the day off. Luckily I haven't told the kids of the plan or else; nag...nag...nag....
So what did we do today? NOTHING!!! By afternoon I asked everybody including the father who happened to be on sick leave - of tooth ache; to take a nap.
The kids grow up so fast.... We were looking at all photos and I was saying how adorable they were. Now, if I say one thing they will answer me two... And Ezra seems to be going through puberty even though he is just seven. He is so rebellious sometimes; I wish I can smack him but I just pray that the Lord gives me enough strength and wisdom to guide him all through these phases of life. Sometimes I do fear for him and sometimes for myself. Have I done enough for my own child? Am I doing it the right way? Are there any right way? What if ..........
Please Lord, help my kids to grow up under your wings. Help them learn to wait for you, then they have strenght to mount up with wings like the eagles. They shall walk and not be weary, they shall run and not fall. Help them to grow up to be like the eagles; full of courage, strong having faith in Him and everything a mother wishes for the children.....
So you guys out there, any useful advise?
Hey Do,
I'm not the right person to give you advise about raising kids, but I believe you will be a good mom. You've said a beautiful prayer for them. Everytime you discipline them let them know you are doing that because you love them truly. Chewah aku tok....pandai mengajar..
Hi Doli,
Read Proverbs ( the whole chapter)it would give you the best advise. "Smack" I would advise that you use rotan..never use your bare hand because it might confused them because that hand that would "belai" them and if u hit them with ur hand they will get confused when you hit them with ur hand..but once u use rotan they know that u are disciplining them and they wouldn't get confuse...It is easier said than done...it can be very painful and hurtful when it comes to disciplining our children...will pray with you over this...hugs
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