We had just realized that Ezra need not go to school until next week. Ha!!! How 'sensitive' can one be.... Anyway, I got to do things that I need to do today and Am happy about it. Do you ever have the feeling that when you are so used to "Nearly Perfection" you wouldn't be happy with just ok - that was how I felt about the process of opening an account with
local bank!!! But I refuse to go low to that standard so I am just going to leave that at this.
EPF...... emmmm service very fast but I feel my first contact should be more beneficial. I am talking about the receptionist. She should get all the form ready with her. I had to get a number and wait just to be given a form (by guy called Hardy), filled the form, went back to her again just to get another number to checked whether I filled it correctly, done so; went back to her to get another number just to be called by Hardy again to acknowledged my application.
At least I did all these before noon.... and the fact that Hardy was using baju melayu and in the spirit of raya; I refuse to go low to that standard and so, I am again leaving it at this.
Catherine is on her way back from the state (she's on the plane as I type..). She was there for 3 years and I just want to welcome her home and I can't wait to meet up with her...