Saturday, January 30, 2010

What do you know.... It's the end of January. See, I told you how time flies. Early Monday I took the day off cause I was not feeling well. What a start to 2010. The doctor diagnosed me with having asthma - that is not new. So I am on inhaler now. This morning I went to see him again because I was not sleeping well; for 3 days!!!!

I was thinking of a high pressure water jet. With Chinese New Year in two weeks, promotions are every way. My drive way is in dire need to be cleaned. By hook or by crook I told the MOTH (man of the house) to get one and one we got. Lets just wait when he can run those.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How time flies.......

Before I know, I have been blogging for 2 years!!! I admit sometimes it is very hard to put stories on the blog. I am forever wondering whether posts I will be posting be interesting to those who willingly read my blog and sometimes I do feel that I need to give the best to those "followers". Thus came the long 'silence'. Then there will be days when I don't even know what to post and sometimes there just be merely laziness and Facebook that sidetracked me. Can you blame me?

Before I go on, Happy New Year 2010 to you. Resolutions? I wouldn't lie; I need to lose weight. This time around I have set a target. I want to be able to lose at least 10kg by December. I want to look good for my family photo which my brother schedule to happen before Christmas this year. Can I do it? We have to see.

*** photo courtesy Eric of Mushroom

This was taken 1 month after the birth of my daughter. I agree I was never a slim person but I have since gained extra load......

So how was 2009?

Personally, I had a wedding and two funeral........ and an addition to the family.

2009 was a turbulence year for me and my other half. It was a trial time. Financially it will be hard but I guess we are trusting God in that area and we have to put on hold some of the things we planned just so that we can just adjust.

I have never like changes.. because it exposes me to the elements that I can't control and when I can't control, I loose focus and when I am not focus nothing gets done. It applies to my every aspect of my life be it spiritually, career or monies. But I will have to also remember that; all that I have is the Lord, He provides for all my needs and nothing that I am lacking. I might not drive a big car but I get around, I might not eat KFC everyday but mom cook good food and I might not wear Chanel at least I am not naked and I sleep well at night.

I want to start my new year with a positive note. If over the last year(s) I've make you upset and I said things that may hurt you; accept my apology. Thus I am mere human. Please do not judge me because when you do, you are stereotyping me. I am not as bad as you think because I can be worst. Do not even try me because it will change how I look at you. I dare you!!!!!

That's it personally.

Besides that, I aim to do justice to "my dwelling place". I've been neglecting it for a simple reason - suddenly I have a baby in the house. My in-laws will bring Robin and stay with me. My own has grown-up; they make different messes. So as it is, I have to put all my plans on hold (iskh.... iskh.... iskh....). I hope this year will be different.......

Again, I try to separate myself from attaching so much on material things and anything that is not good for ones' soul. I need to patch-up with Him and that is the most important agenda this year. Forget slimming down, forget the house, forget the leads target. I need to focus my eyes upward.......

What about you?