I spent New Year's eve with my In-laws in kampung. Just because I dreaded going up and down the hill in darkness, I skipped New Year's eve with my family for the past few years!!! I have to admit, I did enjoyed myself - minus the hiking........
Do not ask me my New Year's Resolution; I do not fit in that category of people who sets resolutions, works toward it, achieve it then set another one every year. You see what is wrong with this picture? It is too perfect!!!!!! I do not live in a perfect world although I wish mine is. So every end of the year I mourned; coz I didn't meet..... Luckily it s not "sales' target".
This year, I'll make a small adjustment - I will have my Wishes lists and top of my list will have to be with God. I would want my life and those around me to be so fulfilling with His Grace that we would not want and in need of none other than HIM. That's the priority.
Then I still want to get rid of the access baggage that's hugging me - if I may....(the mind's willing but ooohh the flesh...)
I want to be happy, all the time....