Friday, August 8, 2008


It's a lucky number; according to Chinese belief and that was why the opening of 2008 Olympic China started at 08:08:08 on 08.08.08. Ironically I was also told that today is the first day of the 7th month of the Chinese Calendar and it is not a good month - it is when the door of hell is open wide and souls, demons or ghosts roam the earth (Chinese, correct me if I am wrong).

My day was tarnished by a forged RM50.00 note found in my cash box. The note was from yesterday's collection and I missed it. So, there was no where we can tracked it down. Surprisingly we discovered 2 more forged RM50.00 notes making it 3 today. Why did I miss it??? I don't know.... But the forgery was perfect; down to the ultraviolet stripes. Even the Chief Cashier missed it........... There goes my luck eh...

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