Ma turned 62 today. What will I do without her and everyday I just thank the Lord that I still have her here with me, even if it's only for selfish reason. Let me tell you a bit about my "Ma".

Ma - during her single days
She is a daughter to the late Siba from Bukit Aup, Sibu who married my grandma Mengan (my daughter is named after her) from Batang Rejang, Kapit and named Ijah. She is the youngest (I think) out of many brothers and sisters from many marriages from both 'grands'.
Fortunately, she was given the basic education during the British era and one of those Iban girl who managed to find work, moved out of poverty and made it in a 'modern' world. She worked with the Agriculture Department in Semenggok. I don't know how she met Dad but they ended up together and raised the five of us in Sibu.

I think she was dating here - with her best fren I only knew as Indai Tupa
Ma raised us the best that she can and single handed too coz then Dad were always away fighting the communist in the jungle. She had helped from nearby neighbour and we are friends until now(We even have a malay family as our 'family' too - Mak & Bapa Eli).

That's Ma, me, Abet, Anddy and Mak Eli....(Background was our first car)
I thought I had a hard time growing up because I always have this feeling that Ma loved, liked, sided my elder sister more than me and I always have hands downed or second hand items. It bothered me coz I felt like second best. One incident which I remember was when she sew a bed sheet for her and I threw tantrum so she had to used the leftovers material; patched and sew together - lagi I threw tantrum.

She joined me in one of those cute babies contest and I won third prize.
But, I just love to see her dressing up for events. Being an officer's wife she was involved with activities like Perkim or just parties at the Officer's Mess. She will dressed-up put her best front and I enjoyed watching her. She was so beautiful and I always wished that I can find my own 'Officer's' and dressed up for parties like Ma.
I have outgrown those phases and I realized the best thing that Ma taught me and my sibling was to be independent; to have that motto 'Berani buat berani tanggung'; the heck with what people says as long as you know the truth....and that blood is thicker than water.
So Ma, thank you for having us in your life, for taking care of us; young and old, even though money is not everything I wish I have more of those so that you do not have to work so hard; cooking, doing the laundry and taking care of the children ( big and small). I love you Ma for the very simple reason - you are our Tower and our Refuge.

Happy 62nd birthday Ma. May the Lord give you all the happiness, joy and love He can give a mom. We love you.....