Yeah..... I had the honor of having Fiona as my lunch partner again last week becoz somebody was on leave. Suddenly we had this urged for Japanese....
We always love to go to Tomoe; Jalan Mendu for it's pizza.. Don't ask me how to make it - I just eat. One thing I can assure you is that it is delicious and mostly veges..(healthy food). Now the pictures below were squid, chicken, prawn with veges. I don't know what they call it but it's yummy too.....

Enough about food.
Condolences to Marianna; my sister-in-law on the passing away of her beloved mother today at 9am@GH. May she rest in peace. Anna is Mayfri's (my husband's brother) wife and this happen when the family is still mourning for Ryan; Vivia's (my husband's sister) husband.
My heart feel the pain but you know, one thing that I've learn - It is alright to feel sad and to mourn. Sad because Robin will never know Ryan, sad because Mccollie would never hear her grandma's laughter and the voices that so familiar and who had took care of her from baby and mourning for Vivia who suddenly a widow and only been married to Ryan(who should have turned 30 yesterday) for less than 2 years and for Anna who suddenly lost her pillar and strenght. It's ok... but it hurt so much...........
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