That's the MOTH & Me @ Tanah Lot
I couldn't believe that a year has passed by since my trip to Bali. It was an exciting trip and looking back, I am amazed at how me and the MOTH survived "our crisis" and everyday I thank the Lord for providing and never letting us out of His sight. At times it was difficult and it still does but I believe at that one point when you feel the lowest, that is the time when you have to gather your strength and soar higher. We are living by His grace now, not because we have to but because we want and we NEED to and as long as we depend on our own strength we can never see Him working in us. So we are letting go......
On a lighter side, my friend, Fiona and I have been talking about how at our work place, all the front line personnel consist of those in their mid thirties and in 10 years down the road most of us will be in our late forties. Imagine being serve by grannies. I am not insulting for I speak of myself. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do unless I resign; still the company might not replace me as at now we do have the man power and with evolving technologies they might do away with human touches. The only field available is in the sales team. I wouldn't want to do sales although I've seen, financially lives changed for some of those who is reaping the fruits of their sweat. I envy the fruits but not the sweat. I've joined loads of those.... Avon, Elken.... you know what I mean but I am just not meant for it. I am accepting the fact that I'll be a working ant for the rest of my life but hey, it pays the bills and feed mouths, so I am contented.
With effect from July 2010 the maternity leave was raised from 60 days to 90 days. Fiona finds that hilarious and as for me.... I am still hoping. I think it is ok for the government to do that but for a company that relies on manpower that produces high level of productivity, hiring women would be their last resort. Although the reason is more so that mother and baby can bond, giving time for them to nurture through breastfeeding and spending time together. Raising children is not easy these days. With both parents working, more depends on nursery, babysitters, playschools to take care of the children and only spend quality time maybe on weekends. Growing up then were more easy. Children were exposed to elements but parents were not scared. It's different now, sometimes I feel we live in fear. Fear for our children, no, fear for what might or will happen to our children and that makes things worsts. But you can't blame them for feeling like that.
If I am given that 90days to nurture, I would and hopefully I can go back to work again and do my best to "pay" my boss for their generosity. My point is if all bosses were to think $$$$$$ and refuses to acknowledged that indeed women play a very big role in our society then our society can never grow mature and we will forever fall behind. Sometimes when you react to that action of giving, you are actually receiving the blessing. And Women, please don't misused the trust and benefit. POWER TO THE WOMAN!!!!!!!!