Sunday, December 25, 2011
Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!
Friday, December 23, 2011

My elder brother got married this morning. Yeah, my estranged brother. Never thought in a million years he'll do this kind of thing but everybody is glad for at least it will give him the sense of responsibility; not that he is not but now he has a "family" to take care of.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
And of coz we loved the sunset at Luak Bay.......
and our stayed at the Park Everly......
and we enjoyed Hayden's birthday (Jareth's elder brother).....
It was a good trip and I would like to thank my sister-in-law Senorita and the family and Freda Godeng and the family for their hospitality. Moga kalau ada rezeki, kita akan pegi dan buat lagi ok.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
My emotion
For sometimes now I didn't update the blog and when I wanted to jot down my thoughts, the site said "my certificate is invalid". What the **** happen? I tried to rectify and I guess by this posting I've succeed. So, what's new?
As for me, everyday is a learning experiences, discoveries and life never cease to fascinate. I like to see good in everything or at least try to but the journey also unfold the evil in people and sad to say in myself too. I am an emotional person; every one in the family knows that, even Beth find it amuse when I cry in front of that "Box". I used to be discreet but when the truth was out and self acceptance came in - I have learned to let go. Now I cry like nobody business and Little Brother will turn a 'sob' drama to a stand-up comedy (sucker!!!). The truth will set you free!! Try it people, it is so liberating - just prepare a box of tissue paper then you are all set. LOL!!!!!
I hate the silent treatment. I've been through it for so many times but this time it was the longest - 2 weeks (now you understand why I am not the 1st in his life. Sad....) Should feel resentful, right? But I didn't want to be dragged in an emotional turmoil where it would just leave scars in my life. I didn't want to have to handle it on my own - I was tired...
Lebih dari nafasku
Ku perlukan KasihMU
Peganglah tangan ku
Berjalanlah di samping ku, Bapa
untuk selamanya.....
I can't, I wouldn't...
So, I just lifted it all to HIM....
He said 'REST'....
I let go....
I learned a bit of myself in that 2 weeks in regards to marriage. I didn’t like the feeling of not having the “support” from the MOTH. I can still do it but the whole idea of marriage or should I say being marriage is having a partner (breathing) who shares and accept each other and especially when you being married for 10 years being grumpy is not a turn-on!!!!. I do or say something hurtful, show me how you feel, go a head, argue, trash it out with me – we might not agree but go to bed in peace. I do not need a baby that suck the life out of me. It’s tiring.
The closest in the family were aware of the situation – especially mom, who understood better this time. Previously, it was always my fault and I get sermons. Thanks Mom and Lil Bro for listening and supporting. Lil Bro might not agree 100% but because I am his sister, he’s always on my side. I love you guys. Isk….isk… isk….
During that period of “silence”, we had a steamboat dinner, a short travel to Bintulu by the MOTH and a funeral. Not bad for a family unit that were in crisis!!!
Why am I sharing this? Well….
Last night, I said something that made the MOTH’s face turned and until this morning…..
Monday, February 14, 2011
Men are from Outer-space!!!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Congrats Cindy & Paul!!!!
So to Cindy & Paul:

Hope you'll be there too,
Wherever there are friendly smiles
Hope they'll smile on you,
Whenever there is sunshine,
Hope it shine especially for you
to make each day for you
as bright as it can be.
(photo: Masan Kaya)