Since November, my weekends were emmm, how should i put it; hectic?, fulfilling?, busy?, tiring? And it is also that time of the year when you have lots of PARTYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We were in Miri for cuz Mimi's wedding.It was an in-prompt-to kind of thing until lil' bro pressed the "enter" key on Air Asia website. Still, i don't think I regretted. Travelling with the kids this time around were fun. They are bigger this time unlike 3 years ago when I brought them for a trip to KL. This was our 1st trip to Miri ever (except for the MOTH who had a week's attachment when he was working with his last company)

***picture by David Toda*****
So, to Mimi and Ronnie, welcome to the club and may your lives be blessed with lots of little Mimis and Ronnies.
It was the 1st time that we met Jareth too. He is the latest edition to the family; the MOTH's nephew. He is so adorable; for a while was a nice feeling to be able to hold a baby.

And of coz we loved the sunset at Luak Bay.......

and our stayed at the Park Everly......

and we enjoyed Hayden's birthday (Jareth's elder brother).....

It was a good trip and I would like to thank my sister-in-law Senorita and the family and Freda Godeng and the family for their hospitality. Moga kalau ada rezeki, kita akan pegi dan buat lagi ok.