Saturday, March 3, 2012

Panic Button....

Anddy : Hello!!!! Macam ne dek nemu dek ka branak? (How would you know when you are in labour?)

Me : Wat!!!!!Is it time? Where's May?

Anddy : Yaah!! She is having pain and we are on the way back to get her stuff. Should we go?

Me : (panic)... Yah !!! yah!!!!

Then we put the phone down then I realised I might triggered a panic button ON Anddy so I called back.

Me : Hello..... what ever you do, don't panic coz she is not going to branak there and then. Be calm o.k.

Anddy : K

But it was a false alarm. May is her 39 weeks now. Junior is popping out soon and we can't wait. I keep you posted ok.

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