Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Enjoy your holidays and remember the reason for the season..
and in case I don't log in by new year, I guess HAPPY NEW 2010 TO YOU TOO.
Thank you for supporting me this 2 years and maybe later I'll share with you my resolution for the new year.
Just Doli and will forever be Doli
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Congrats!! Gabriel & Ritta!!

Welcome to the club...
My advise: Enjoy your life together (Love like you have never loved)
Start to have kids maybe after 3 - 4 years later (enjoy your sleep now..)
Build your financial (you need it when the babies comes)
Strenghten your relationship with each other/parents/sibling/in-laws
(you will need them one way or the other)
Build your dreams together - go see the world, enjoy each other.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I told friends that I am taking leave from dieting this month. So I had on one of that day, went over to Tomoe for another Japanese Pizza. Last Friday, I went to the 4 Points for buffet with colleagues plus Catherine who came back from the States months ago.

I enjoyed myself very much. They served Italian, Chinese, Japanese and it was sumptuous. I think so far they have the best menus; not as if I've tried others. If you like this buffet maybe you can try the Japanese Buffet at Riverside Majestic. A few weeks ago out of the blues Julia invited few of us to Meisan, Grand Margaretha. She felt like having BBQ Duck. Grand Ma was also having Seafood Buffet at that time. By the look of it - delicious too. Must try one of this days. Oh BTW, the duck was absolutely a must the next time you dine there.
During Ramadan, we tried the buffet at The Banquet.

That was sumptuous too. Emily kept saying, we should do this at a faster rate coz age is catching up and so are the diseases. Later we wouldn't be able to eat..... How true..
But besides the food I guess we enjoy each other company's. Give us another 5 years; see if we can still go and eat those food!!!
And the good news is; we are going to 4Points again on 16Dec09. This time we are eating for free!! Yeah!!!!!! The Boss decided to have a 'small' gathering there and at least this time we know where to 'attack' first. Am looking forward to that.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Happy Birth Day, Hayden Phildon!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
EXcuses, excuses, excuses......
is the rebirth of the sassy, savvy pc me. I hate to restart another blog if it were to happen. God forbid!!!
Anyway, my kids will be having their school break and I am happy coz my weekends are more meaningful - it's family time.
I would love to add but I am tired. Maybe I'll find time soon.
So until then; have a productive what's left of your week...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
You're too fat to be a teacher, woman told.
KUCHING: When Joanna Gilbert Asson was accepted for a postgraduate course at the Teachers Training College Rajang, she was beside herself with joy. But that joy was scuppered thanks to an insensitive senior official at the college.
Joanna, 29, claimed she was discriminated against when the man told her that she was too fat to become a teacher. She wants the Education Ministry to do something about it.
Joanna claimed the man told her: "You're fat. You can't possibly be a teacher. You look unhealthy, come back next year after you've slimmed down."
A business administration graduate from Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Joanna sat for an examination and was interviewed by a panel from the college on May 19.
After being told that she was successful, she reported to the college on June 22, accompanied by her parents.
She paid the RM300 registration fee, collected additional forms, including those for a medical test and waited for her turn.
It was then that the senior official called her into his office and told her she was fat.
"How can he judge me by my appearance alone? I have not undergone a government medical test but he was confident that I am sick."
Joanna said she went for a medical test at a private hospital before registering, but the college rejected the result because it was not from a government clinic.
In frustration, Joanna wrote to the ministry to withdraw from the course and for a refund of the registration fee.
"During the interview, nothing was said about my weight. They can see from the form that I am 110kg."
State Education director Dr Julaihi Bujang said the college official should not have acted that way but declined to comment further.
The Education Ministry's Teacher Education Division in Putrajaya could not be contacted for comment.
Emmm... what can I say. This girl is bigger than me but I understand the situation that she is in and I salute her for being able to stand up for this kind of "discrimination". She will have to,; first, prepare herself mentally, physically and spiritually in order to go through this ordeal. It is in my opinion like a "rape" trial (I am open for discussion).
As a FAT person, you are always in a different league of people. And it will always gets on my nerve when people 'arranged' their sentences as not to offend me. Please stop. I AM OFFENDED!!! but I had to pulled that straight face so YOU wouldn't be offended by the words that WILL come out of my mouth and believe me I can say a lot of nasty things(if it weren't for HIS Grace.)
I didn't care about it before. I ate because I just love food. Over the years I do realize that I want to live longer, to enjoy my life with my husband. I want to grow old with him, watch my kids grow up, being there when they fall in love; having puppy love, going to college, getting married, have my grandkids and so on... I have to be healthy for them and for myself. That's why I am watching my diet. I was sick last week. I had sore throat, body ache and I was not surprise when the Doc mentioned that my blood pressure was very high and I do felt it. He put me on medication instantly. I ever mentioned to my gynae that I watched my parents being dependent on this medications (both of them are diabetic and having high blood pressure) and I told him that I do not want to live a life like that. I guess he had his point when he said that the medications is what keeping them alive until today. Look like I have to take my medication as if I am taking my vitamins and supplements. My next leave, I am going for a medical check-up which I always tried to avoid. Hey!!! I want to live!!!!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
We are sailing!!!!!
Sudi-sudi hadirkan diri.
I will blog about it after the event.
Thank you.
Monday, October 5, 2009
I should be paid for blogging these......

Yeah..... I had the honor of having Fiona as my lunch partner again last week becoz somebody was on leave. Suddenly we had this urged for Japanese....
We always love to go to Tomoe; Jalan Mendu for it's pizza.. Don't ask me how to make it - I just eat. One thing I can assure you is that it is delicious and mostly veges..(healthy food). Now the pictures below were squid, chicken, prawn with veges. I don't know what they call it but it's yummy too.....

Enough about food.
Condolences to Marianna; my sister-in-law on the passing away of her beloved mother today at 9am@GH. May she rest in peace. Anna is Mayfri's (my husband's brother) wife and this happen when the family is still mourning for Ryan; Vivia's (my husband's sister) husband.
My heart feel the pain but you know, one thing that I've learn - It is alright to feel sad and to mourn. Sad because Robin will never know Ryan, sad because Mccollie would never hear her grandma's laughter and the voices that so familiar and who had took care of her from baby and mourning for Vivia who suddenly a widow and only been married to Ryan(who should have turned 30 yesterday) for less than 2 years and for Anna who suddenly lost her pillar and strenght. It's ok... but it hurt so much...........
Sunday, September 27, 2009
A dog and a chicken.......

The enlightenment for the day was when a guy brought in his chicken for consultation......
It was funny....... I just had to tell everybody......
but again if it is something or some one's treasure and love so much; it doesn't make any difference, right; be it a German Shepherd or a Fighting Cock. So who's laughing now?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Service level
EPF...... emmmm service very fast but I feel my first contact should be more beneficial. I am talking about the receptionist. She should get all the form ready with her. I had to get a number and wait just to be given a form (by guy called Hardy), filled the form, went back to her again just to get another number to checked whether I filled it correctly, done so; went back to her to get another number just to be called by Hardy again to acknowledged my application.
At least I did all these before noon.... and the fact that Hardy was using baju melayu and in the spirit of raya; I refuse to go low to that standard and so, I am again leaving it at this.
Catherine is on her way back from the state (she's on the plane as I type..). She was there for 3 years and I just want to welcome her home and I can't wait to meet up with her...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The truth.... (The Penan Stories)
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By A. Kathirasen (NST 13 September 2009) MY heart goes out to the Penans. Last month, I read that a group of Penans was starving. I was shocked. After all, this is Malaysia with the twin towers and beautiful Putrajaya and a prospering middle class.I felt relieved when Ulu Rejang member of parliament Datuk Billy Abit Joo denied that anyone was starving. He said there had always been a shortage of food because of logging activities, which were destroying the food source of the Penans. But, more than that, it is about the attitude of Sarawak leaders towards their people. When the Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) revealed the allegations on Sept 15 last year, Deputy Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Alfred Jabu was quoted as saying, on Sept 25, that the claim was baseless. |
Saturday, September 12, 2009
R.I.P Ryan Daniel........
I made entry on the birth of his son, Robin Ryenson dated January 15, 2008 and I published some photos of them together in my entry dated March 23, 2008.
Although you will be missed but we know you are at a better place. Rest in Peace Ryan.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I am back!!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sematan Palm Beach Resort.

It is located at Sematan... I think I just share with you guys the photo....

Sunday, August 16, 2009
The weekend's over..
I must say even though Kuching is blast with activities; with the H1N1 and the Haze I am avoiding crowd places. Thank God for the rain so we had few days of clear sky and fresh breath of air.
A friend of mine is tying the knot after years of courting and dating. I am so happy for this couple yet I can't reveal their names coz it will be a surprise for a few people out there who might know them and who might be reading my blog. So until then; I am zip-up about it.
What makes a marriage successful? I am not trying to be Madam-Know-It-Al nor am I trying to act as if I have a perfect marriage. Sometimes you just wonder; why and I land myself in this situation. - These questions will manifest itself especially when one is having some kind of tension in their marriages. No, I am not having problems with mine (ya, true he need to be told to mawn the lawn every month; to get somebody to service the aircond every now and then or to get my washing machine repair for the thousand times!!!) - we argue about money all the time, so does other couples. Believe me, your marriage is not a normal one if you don't face this situation.
Early in my marriage, I always complain to my beloved because he will chose football, volleyball or badminton over me. Even his car gets more attention then me. I remember when I delivered my boy (2pm 25 November 2001), I was expecting him to be there when I was out of the delivery room - he wasn't. He only showed up later, late evening and not until few days after that I found out he was actually having a game; and there I was delivering 'His" baby- marah, tidak......
Now, I'll be happy if he were to bring the kids out for his games - be it football or badminton. Then I can have"peace"............
Guys, you need to accept that two of you are not perfect. When you enter in to this 'agreement' it was for poorer or richer, in sickness or well being until death do us part..... and the agreement is not only between the two of you; moms, dads, brothers, sisters.....; sealed with God's blessing.
My advise; bring God into your marriages. There will be tough time but it's not where you are going that is important but what you gain. experience and feel along the journey that is more fulfilling.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Finally, Saturdays........
Why are charity sales so expensive? I know they are for good cause but they literally throat cutting!!!!!
Anyway, that is not why I like this Saturday and next Saturday and the next Saturday and......
This is one of those Saturdays that I have the other half with me and the children. Work made him missed out on our time together. For 6 years I watched him go to work and feeling sad for it. As demand of it soar and got bigger so did his blood pressure, liver problem, hypertension and of coz his hair lines!!!! He stayed because of commitments and just because WE needed the money.
Things turned for worst when his own boss didn't care enough to cover for him except for their own asses and he was transferred to Kuantan!!!!!!! That was the final blow for us. The moment he uttered "I quit"; it was as if a heavy load were lifted from MY OWN shoulder and after so many years, despite knowing we will have to survive on what ever resources we have, I cried cry of joy.
I met my husband when we worked together... When the company reconstructed and had to let go some of the work forces we decided that it'll be better if I were to stay and he opted for the Voluntary Scheme. I never failed to blame my self for this decision although we agreed and soon after he was with this outsourced company. He had ups and downs but towards late last year - management changed and he just didn't have the support he needed. So that was it.
We are trusting God with our lives. We are learning to accept God's grace rather than doing it with our might, and guys... we will be ok. Pray that we be strong and able to see God......
Friday, July 31, 2009
Time flies.......
We stayed at JatiHomestay@Ubud. The package included a pickup service from the airport. So in a way we got to know the family who runs the business. Dewa was the son of the JatiHomestay. Ubud is a district that is well known for it's painting; so we stayed in a painter house and of coz he has lots of eye catching painting that I somehow missed to admire becoz of simply didn't have the time to spare.
Dewa arranged the tour himself... He brought us to many, many, many temples. Only by the end of the day we realised it so it was too late to visit other places. These are points to remember if you wish to tour Bali; 1 or 2 temple are enough. Bali offer so much more....
were served various type of coffee; Dewa in stripes.
Life in Bali is... relax. People seemed to have a lot of time in their hands. Of coz tourism is the heartbeat of the economic and everybody seemed to be running their own business be it food, home stay, art.... and the best part is they run the business from their own home so it is no wonder you can't find shop houses like in Kuching and the can take time to do things they like. How I wish I can do that.
Every family is a community them self. They stay together in one big area - macam a gated-community. This photo is the view from the stair why I stayed. You can see several houses.... They are all family.
The things I will do differently the next time is maybe to stay near the beach.... be pampered with massages and have a light and easy trip......
I can't say the same for Jakarta. The city are busy with traffic and polluted; like KL but I was a millionaire!!!!!!! It's a shopping haven - I love Mangga Dua!!!!! Didn't do much; but definitely will come back.....
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I came back a week ago. It was a tiring but fun journey. We left for Jakarta at 12.55am on a 30thJune and arrived at Jakarta Airport (Cengkerang Airport) at 1.45am Jakarta time (-1 hour Malaysia time). Our flight to Bali- Denpasar was at 6.45am so we agreed not to book any room but to wait at the T3 Airport (Indonesia for Inbound flights within its region). For all first timer; there is actually a free chartered bus to bring you from International Airport to T3 so don't take the 'kereta sapu' coz they charged IDR70k to IDR80k for a 5 minutes drive.
We waited and managed to get some food to eat, more like an early breakfast at T3.
I felt in love when I saw the island......
It's people....
Ok that's it for now... I will share some more when the next time.