Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wooow people!!!! I've made it!!!!!!! but first of all I like to to wish all my Dayak friends Seramat Andu Gawai/Selamat Ari Gawai, Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai Lantang Senang Nguan Benua. For those of you who hasn't got the slightest idea what I am talking about; Wikipedia ok.

We are done with David and S'nah's wedding and I do admit I like doing this project. Amidst all the tension, the vulgar words thrown out(out of frustration), the tiredness I still enjoyed it. Now that that's over, I don't know what to do with my life, my weekends...... Maybe now I can make my house more homely eh..... or like Fiona said, I can concentrate on losing those extra pounds.

It has been a wonderful experience to plan this wedding with my brothers and especially with my sister-in-law; Snah. David had never really in a relationship - not that I knew of. I knew
girls were interested but he had always being the cool guy... but one thing for sure, he has always had his eyes on the Orang Ulu girls.... (anybody like to comment)

I remember that day; Mom and Anddy were away@Pelagus. I was surprised to see Abba tagging along with David and one girl@my doorstep. I knew he was serious with this one when he brought her to my house. It didn't take them long to decide; so after the December2008 engagement, the wedding was set on 30th May 2009 (check my previous post for the engagement story).

We anticipated with joy. The last wedding in the family was mine which were 10 years ago and it was no fun coz my siblings were either too young to share the excitement or were away in Sabah/Serdang (during the preparation).

First, discussion with Reverend Trevor. Then, date was set, venue for the dinner where chosen.

Four Season by Sheraton when we first set eyes on it....

Invitation cards were distributed...

Pre-Wedding photos were shot as early as February09

Rehearsal was done the day before....

The Deco in church were by Emil of Emil's Garden; theme -
Gawai Wedding Fusion. Marvellous darling, simply marvellous!!!!

And on the morning of 30thMay2009
at Seri Ijah, Jalan Wan Alwi......
Ezra & Johnathan as Ring Bearer.

Megan as one of the Flower Girls

The men in Toda's family; all looking thier best in white..

Suze doing Karen(Flower Girl) and
Ruth (Bride's Maid) preparing herself

Bride kena make-up...

The stunning and beautiful bride before going down the aisle.

IN CHURCH - the excitement build-up.
Yours truly with Groom's brother and Ring Bearer

The Groom and Best Man.

The Bride's and Groom's dads.

Those that turn-up to give 'moral support'.

The arrival of the Bride..

OK, I want to inform everybody that these videos were taken with my hand phone. I am not a professional videographer but my intention to share is good; so be it; enjoy bits of it...

This is the wedding march but the other guests and photo/videographers' presence were overwhelming and I have to be satisfied with this shots.

This are covers of church's programmes

The rings that binds

The Giving away.....

The kiss....

The Communion...

Mr & Mrs Davidson Toda


David & Snah together with parents

1 for the album. Welcome Snah to the Toda's clan!!!!
(From Left: Sulau, Nigel, Terry, Nevin, Toda, Ezra, David
Snah, Maysun, Elizabeth Ijah, Anddy, Megan,Ivy, Dolly & Neville)

I have more photos and stories to share. These are just half of it. I will up load some more. There are more photos shown on families and friends FaceBook, so you might want to check that out too. So until then..



Anonymous said...

love this post...but toooo drunk to comment..well done queen

Abet said...

am i married oredi? unbelievebale lah sis!!