Sunday, May 23, 2010

My 2nd PTA

yeah.... a mother's work is never finish. I went for my girl's school PTA meeting yesterday; as if I have nothing better to do - but the MOTH kind of got excited after attending my boy's PTA meeting a week before and would like to see how's this one will be.

As usual the response were very poor. The school has around 600 students but the only less than 40 parents were there. The teachers were there because it was their duty and they were not given the choice but for a parents to be there; well... it was a choice. I will try to make a point to attend this kind of meeting because it involves my children's well being - I want them to study in a conducive environment and I want to know what is going on in the school.

I have to congratulate the committee for doing a good job. They ran their activities well, garnered enough funds to help the school and the balance sheet were in order and fantastic. My boy's PTA should learn from my girl's PTA!!!!!

I had a good Sunday - with the Lord by my side, who wouldn't. I hope you had one too. Enjoy the 4days week ya.

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