I found my old diary yesterday. It was actually just an exercise book; nothing fancy but it contents a whole load of emotion of a school girl (yeah.... the year 1991.) It was nostalgic... Even as I read it I feel the emotion and even cried. My life them were divided between school and church but between it was always GOD. Looking back...... How I miss those time when you can just enjoy your youth and never really had serious responsibilities. I found friends and make enemies at the same time, I felt in love and learn to let go but NOT becoz we grew apart but becoz he thought I deserves somebody better. He was right..... but there is always a soft spot for him in my heart.... and there was that time when I didn't do well in my exam I cried ONLY with Wylie and Fly, the wild and crazy car rides I had with Audrey, slept-overs and sunsets with Hena, camps with the youth, supper with Korno, Eng Siong, Hinly, Hena, Hui Khoon, Audrey, Wylie, Fly... Don't call it foolish, a waste of time or even puppy love; it's a phase of every ones' lives. So, what's YOUR story?
(O.K guys, the photos were re-shot by an armature who didn't know that you were not suppose to use flash - she is learning things new everyday) On top sekali is my all time favourite photo
Front: Norman, Jo(Nursing in UK), Press(BSN), Dot(in Tasmania), El and Me
Back: Jeffry(GH Doktor), Fitzgerald(Miri), Kismet, Marcelino, Raynore(Borneo Post), Richard, unknown figure, Anau, Joshua and Edward.
Down photo:
Front: Jo, my two teachers + daughter and Me
Back: Press, Suzy, El, Thien, Hon and Venus

Korno, Hui Khoon, Hinly, Angela, Me, El, Eng Siong, Nickson and Eileen - the Youth Carolling
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