I know that the blog been read by others from others places and I guess I am oblige to tell them who I am or at least tell them of my race. I'm born to a Bidayuh (also known as the Land Dayak) dad and an Iban (aka Sea Dayak) mom. So that makes me a mix. My grandma originated from Kapit and she spent her lifetime along the Rejang River, moving from Nanga Benin to Nanga Pelagus until she passed away. My childhood were full with memories of her, how me and my brothers will be looking-out of the window from our quarters (my dad was in the police force and our place was just in front of the bus stop @ Lanang Camp in Sibu; see photo)waiting for her and we will be shouting Ine!!! Ine!!!! (Iban for grandma) and be running out to meet her. Of coz I will remember how delicious her Asi gureng enggau Pusu and how we were asked to help her grind the buah pinang so she can ate it with "Kapur" + Sirih. After that we will be entertained with cerita Apai Saloi and No matter how many times we heard the stories we were not bored. How I miss Ine.......
I don't know much of Ake (grandad) becoz he passed away earlier; accept that he was tall and handsome, had few wives and he was actually from Aup, Sibu. So I have relatives from that side of the world too. His name was Siba. Ine was Mengan so I named my daughter Bethany Megan in her memories.
My Babai; Sanub also passed away without us knowing and meeting him. Both him and my Sumbuk; Siong from Benuk 20 miles from Kuching. I don't have any fond memories of her. I remember the constant scolding from her or maybe she was just being loud coz I didn't understood a single word of Bidayuh then..
I guess my Iban side is stronger than Bidayuh; it's my mother's tongue and I am also very lucky to find a Bidayuh guy from Quap to be my children's father. Even my Bidayuh colleagues ever cited they do not want their children to be like me - a Bidayuh who does not know Bidayuh's language or even it's culture... I don't feel bad becoz I feel I AM AN IBAN AND PROUD OF IT!!!!!
I wish I can share with you my Ine's photo but since the family house in under going major renovation and I can't seems to find the photos I 'll post it when I have it ya....
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