Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour

So... How was your 1 hour of darkness?

It was an event that I and my whole family were looking forward too. We planned it a few days before and told the children in anticipation to joined in the fun. We planned of candle lights, of BBQ and of watching the Akademi Fantasia - sure, I follow that; if I could.

My Saturday started with laundry. Ezra was having his replacement class so Beth and I had a girl's day. Anddy picked us up by 1.30pm and we went over to mom's. By then Ezra was already back from school and together with Abet we were off the St. Mary's to try to make full use of the RM40 fair tickets that mom simply had and forgotten to use. And of coz it was too late ......

I was at the Daily Choice Food (Tabuan Jaya) pay line when this woman 'potong' queue. The thing that upset me the most was not becoz the cashier didn't ignore her but bcoz although the woman knew of my present, she 'ignored' me. And of coz I don't look like Tai-Tai but even so everybody requires respect no matter what and how you look like. To that woman I would like to say that you are rude and I hope your children will have that kind of treatment from other people becoz I always believe what goes 'round comes 'round. I have said my peace........

I enjoyed the food that nite though; BBQ - chicken marinated with black pepper, salad, BBQ sweet potatoes and sambal buah belimbing...... Then everybody wait in anticipation for 8.30pm.

I do hope everybody enjoyed their dark hour like I did and it was for a good cause too. Hope we can do it again and the knowledge my children gained from it was priceless.


Abet said...

should tell me earlier, then let see how that woman kenak my lazer!!

Unknown said...

doli doli, I would have said to the woman so that everyone can hear "excuse me, the queue is behind!!! Give her the benefit of doubt, maybe she is not aware where the queue is!!! If she ignores you again, say loudly : EXCUSE ME, I WAS HERE FIRST! PLS GET IN LINE AND WAIT FOR YOUR TURN LADY!!!"