Friday, November 14, 2008

EMmmm what did I just said?....

Ha!!!! I like to welcome Frankie to my circle of bloggers. If I can, you surely do better.....

Want to hear some sick jokes?... This was by Andrew relayed by Emily.....

One day, the young cow came running home from the chicken village, crying with tears running down his cheeks. The older cow asked what's the matter and the young cow said the entire village of chicken tried to harm him and even gave him a good chased out of that place.

"You must have done something to provoke them. What did you say?" asked the old cow.

" All I said were goodbyes and don't know why they were so upset."

"Maybe it's not what you said but how you said it...." the older cow added.

"Well.... all I said was ""xiao chi bye!, lao chi bye!, the whole village of chi bye! chi bye! All chi bye!...""

** xiao chi - small chicken
**lao chi - big chicken
**chi - chicken.

Mean while I read this jokes from a fellow blogger known as Mystery Ladybird (I love her writings).

One day, a man who didn't feel quite well went to a private clinic for medical consultation. The clinic was full with out-patients and that made the nurse who was on duty at the registration counter had to give her service with quite a high tone of voice as it was very noisy at the time.

Nurse : Nama apa? ( Name please)

Man : Chern Ta Lek.

Nurse : Nama orang putih ada? (D you have any English name?)

The man looked to his right, then to his left then whisper softly his name..

Man : Teh Tarik..

Nurse : Apa??!!!!! (What??!!!)

The man looked irritated and said his name out loud

Man : TEH TARIK!!!

Everybody were quite and everything went in silence mode

p/s you will smile if you are a chinese reader but if you are not, you wouldn't find these jokes as funny at all.


saran said...

hey..need ur permission (but oledi added ur site on my blog)..hehehe

fRanKz said...

jaga dik do...belawan blog kitai