Then we discovered I had a dermoid cyst somewhere outside my right ovary - if I remember correctly. It was a testing time for me but luckily - no, it was by God's grace that I pulled through. During those trial times sometimes you just cannot even imagine on what terms should you base your faith or belief on but that was all I had at that time. My faith and belief in Him and I guess it was sufficient.
I went under the knife I think early April of 2001. They cut me under my bikini lines (LOL - as if I have those.....). The cyst was big 10x9cm at least(ya... the picture are mine). If you look closely you can see traces of fat tissues and even hairs and God knows what else.... WEIRD!!!!!!!!

I was on medical leave for three weeks and during my last week I experienced nausea, easily tired and I was late too. I thought the surgeon might have left something behind!!
Anyway, I was due for my last check up before returning to work and I told my gynae that I just feel soooo tired everyday; I would be napping even in the car during my rides to and from home; mom was taking care of me at that time - macam orang berpantang...
He scanned me and said "Well no wonder your ovary was a bit 'kembang' - you are pregnant".
I'm pregnant?. EMmmmmmmm........
I'm pregnant......
I'm pregnant!!!!!!.
What about the excessive morphine/pain killer that I took; not forgetting the medications/drugs - my foetus will be a drug addict!!!!. Will 'it' develop well?. Ya... that was the concern...... for everybody; later when they found out.
Of coz the husband got to know first; then mom & dad. The rest was history but some of the things that happened during my pregnancy were; 9/11 - I was scared becoz I was about to bring this child into the world that are not safe and also, that month I gila-gila and coloured (or they called it stripping) my hair blonde.... Ha! the nerve of me.

Here, the baby were more visualized. I still could not comprehend it. This were dated 22May01.

Reality was setting in. This was taken on 25August01. See the shape of the head and the outline of the baby's body.....and we got to know we were having a boy.....
I was expected to deliver on 10Dec01 but by middle November, it was as if the water that was supposed to protect and nourish the baby were diminishing and I kind of remembered when we stayed in Damai early November, I felt as if my water broke - but because I was in the pool, I couldn't be sure.....
So my Oby/Gynae asked me to deliver the baby as soon as possible because the chances of him surviving were better outside than inside. I was scared......Will my baby be ok? Will I be ok? We decided to 'checked-in' on Sunday@8.00am@Sarawak GH.
Weirdly, I was also having "Braxton Hicks"(I hope the term is correct) the night before and in the morning I was a bit dilated. I couldn't remember whether I was induced but it was fast. I only need to push four times than he waaaaaaaaaa.....waaaaaaaas out. The pain was bearable too. I have to admit, I had an easy birth. Weighing at 1.95kg, he was considered premature. He was small and thin. They ran test on him at 4 am- it was painful to see, it really broke me at that time. I think we were there for 3 days and finally he was declared fit to go home........

Look how proud and handsome he look here and he was just 4/5 months.

Trying to walk and getting more naughtier - 9 months

My Miracle baby....
Happy Birthday.
Know that you are loved....
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