I like to intoduce you to two of the most important people in my life; my boy Ezra 7 and Beth 5. They are a handful.. but I cannot imagine my life without them. Both started schooling early this January; Ezra in Primary 1 and Beth in Kindy. While Ezra was ready to explore this world alone, Beth was having problem fitting in. She was too attached that she cried for two days when we sent her to Kindy but by the next Monday she was all smile. Look like the teachers must be doing something right eh...
Everybody wakes up at 5.30am now. Poor kids.... We have to leave the house by 6.45am or Ezra will be late. He starts at 7.20am where as Beth at 8.00am. Then my parents will keep an eye on them untll hubby and I comes home from work everyday.
My parents and my 2 brothers have been staying with me since October last year. They are renovating the old house to give it a new face lift. I think the house should be ready by end of February. Everybody is in church now. As for me I don't feel good, still having my cough so I stayed in. Sometimes it is just an excuse for me to stay home alone and enjoy "MY HOUSE" but the amount of work I have to put in now increases not to forget the bills... Sabar aje lah semua orang ya.......
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