Hey... what do you know. My PC is working (although very slow) so I do not have to 'berebut' with anybody. Am so delighted........
Anyway, have you guys seen the latest American Idol. I used to drool over Michael Johns - he's tall, charming, has that down-under-look that is so emmmmmmmmm... and best of all he can sing.
But after seeing David Cook tonite singing Billie Jean; now I think he can be the next American Idol. I was mesmerised; that eyes, that smile..., that look....
Any way enjoy Billie Jean:-
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Matter close to the heart
It has been a week since my sister in law went over to KL to work after her two months maternity leave and I bet you a mother's heart is always with her baby. Robin is in the hands of my two in laws. The last time they handle a baby were 20 years ago; with their own Ortiger.
Robin felt sick the moment the mother went over. When we visited before Good Friday, he was coughing non stop, didn't get enough sleep, cranky and all a sick baby should be... and this morning they saw the doctor again and hopefully he'll get better.
I managed to 'steal' the PC from ND and I think I would not be blogging so often now - I am accepting the reality now. I have to live normally now, people... (should I start a support group?)
At the mean time, enjoy photos of Robin Ryenson.
Robin felt sick the moment the mother went over. When we visited before Good Friday, he was coughing non stop, didn't get enough sleep, cranky and all a sick baby should be... and this morning they saw the doctor again and hopefully he'll get better.
I managed to 'steal' the PC from ND and I think I would not be blogging so often now - I am accepting the reality now. I have to live normally now, people... (should I start a support group?)
At the mean time, enjoy photos of Robin Ryenson.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
If I were to go to the graveyard to visit my best friend's grave who passed away two days ago and found that the earth were dug out and showing an empty casket, my action would be:-
but it would be a different matter if I were Grissom..
Imagine how Mary Magdalene felt. She must have loved the Lord so much.....
The instant she saw the empty tomb, she ran to tell the matter to Simon Peter. They ran together to the tomb and when Simon Peter saw it was empty he went back to their meeting place; puzzled whilst Mary Magdalene stood weeping outside the tomb. I guess only a woman can feel and show that loss....
Anyway, He has risen!!! That is the foundation of our faith. He said; "If you really love me, feed my sheep..and that is the Great Commission.
Happy Easter.
SCARED - of the unknown...
RUN - IT might be after me....
HIDE - IT might be after me....
RUN - IT might be after me....
HIDE - IT might be after me....
but it would be a different matter if I were Grissom..
Imagine how Mary Magdalene felt. She must have loved the Lord so much.....
The instant she saw the empty tomb, she ran to tell the matter to Simon Peter. They ran together to the tomb and when Simon Peter saw it was empty he went back to their meeting place; puzzled whilst Mary Magdalene stood weeping outside the tomb. I guess only a woman can feel and show that loss....
Anyway, He has risen!!! That is the foundation of our faith. He said; "If you really love me, feed my sheep..and that is the Great Commission.
Happy Easter.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It is weird but non of my friends are blogging(in blogspot) so when a close fren said she is starting hers I am so ecstatic at least I wouldn't just be reading my brothers' friends' blogs, i would be reading MY friends' blog. For those friends who are reading this, join me. It might be addictive but it is all about self-control (yeah... as if I have that) and I bet you will love it too.
I missed Church last week - I didn't even remembered it was Palm Sunday. The phone rang at 9.30am and my sister Ivy at the other end asked "Ndak pegi church kah? Palm Sunday ari tok". Normally, for the past 5 months, when having my parents and brothers staying with me, I don't need to worry about getting to church; they were there.....(Hubby normally works on Sunday too but not before going to the earliest Mass-leaving me with the kids). My kids religiously been following my sister for 10.30am service@St. Faith. So I guess that will be the next arrangement (Thank you Bee....I Love you).
This Friday is Good Friday. So people, don't just remember the holiday, remember THE REASON for the holiday..

Happy Easter, you all....
I missed Church last week - I didn't even remembered it was Palm Sunday. The phone rang at 9.30am and my sister Ivy at the other end asked "Ndak pegi church kah? Palm Sunday ari tok". Normally, for the past 5 months, when having my parents and brothers staying with me, I don't need to worry about getting to church; they were there.....(Hubby normally works on Sunday too but not before going to the earliest Mass-leaving me with the kids). My kids religiously been following my sister for 10.30am service@St. Faith. So I guess that will be the next arrangement (Thank you Bee....I Love you).
This Friday is Good Friday. So people, don't just remember the holiday, remember THE REASON for the holiday..

Happy Easter, you all....
Monday, March 17, 2008
Monday Blues
I am so tired......... (but I do have time to blog).
My blogging era are numbered.......
I wouldn't have this Laptop to mingle with...
Before long it will be taken from my blogging life....
Please, please I beg you; let me have him even for a second......
So I can Blog....Blog.... Blog....
truly yours,
a desperate (addicted to blogging) housewife
Guys, check my magazine cover below. Cool eh...
This photo is actually one of my wedding album collection. I was dressed in an Iban costume and hubby was wearing the Iban vest. I was looking for a cawat for him then but I takut my mom-in-law-to-be wouldn't accept me err... I mean the idea of me exposing her son. Sori sinde....

My blogging era are numbered.......
I wouldn't have this Laptop to mingle with...
Before long it will be taken from my blogging life....
Please, please I beg you; let me have him even for a second......
So I can Blog....Blog.... Blog....
truly yours,
a desperate (addicted to blogging) housewife
Guys, check my magazine cover below. Cool eh...
This photo is actually one of my wedding album collection. I was dressed in an Iban costume and hubby was wearing the Iban vest. I was looking for a cawat for him then but I takut my mom-in-law-to-be wouldn't accept me err... I mean the idea of me exposing her son. Sori sinde....
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com
Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Save big!

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Holidays' over!!!!
As I am typing these, my two kids are trying to sleep. After a quick dinner@the Boulevard, reached home to find mom and ND were tagging along - it got the kids excited. Tomorrow school starts again and as usual I have to get up early; preparing snacks for their break - these chores really a drag and if these were 10 years ago I would have been bittered but now, even if I SAYS it's a drag, I still enjoy it coz it's stuff you do for people you really care and love.
These are photos of Ezra & Beth on their first month of school. They look so.... I can't believe they've grown...
These are photos of Ezra & Beth on their first month of school. They look so.... I can't believe they've grown...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What's up?
Have not been putting up any stories yet and that is becoz I just can't think of anything yet. The DAP won in Kuching area ( that's good news, anak apai saloi also won with majority and that was becoz..... - my lips are seal).
My parents moved out on Saturday although the house is only 90% ready. It was tiring day for all of us and until today, the house is still in a mess. Mine too coz their things are still here and I can't really reshuffle or remove any of the things. I really wanted to do the 'before' and 'after' show but I just can't find any old photos of the house. so have a sneak preview of the new Toda's Residence....
Presenting SERI IJAH (in honour of mom - Elizabeth Ijah Siba):-

This will be the family area - where we chat, watch TV, noon nap you just name it. Far end is actually the dry kitchen. We have a dining table there now. outside is the wet kitchen.
This is the side entrance from the porch that leads to the kitchen and to the right is mom's room and David's to the left.
My parents moved out on Saturday although the house is only 90% ready. It was tiring day for all of us and until today, the house is still in a mess. Mine too coz their things are still here and I can't really reshuffle or remove any of the things. I really wanted to do the 'before' and 'after' show but I just can't find any old photos of the house. so have a sneak preview of the new Toda's Residence....
Presenting SERI IJAH (in honour of mom - Elizabeth Ijah Siba):-
Like I said, it is still in a mess, we are not settling down yet and ND is reluctant to move...yeah, that was what they said when they moved out 5 months ago. It's a phase you have to go through and somehow I know you settle down again and you wouldn't want to move but I guess i will miss having you guys here tsk...tsk... the constant argument with dad about how dirty he made my kitchen, mom's cooking when I reached home from work, David's Saturday breakfast and Nd chitchatting and blogging with me. I also believe we will make many fond memories@Seri Ijah.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Tomorrow is voting day. Who will you choose? Regret to say I am not a registered voter even though I am old enuf to do it. So you guys, exercise your rights. NO TO CORRUPTION!!!!!!! .
I just came back from dinner with frens. We went Japanese; Sushi King@tHE SPRING. Nice place, nice food and nice companion. Too bad I didn't take photos but it was a good deal. There were having 50% discount off on their Sushi.All you need to do is sms to them first my111 sushiking then send to 33365. Give it half an hour they will reply back but the sms will cost you RM3.50 and the validity is a week from the day you sms to them. then when you want to pay, you just show them the sms.
Last night lagi best, Since the kids were all attending a fren's birthday party with the parent and brothers, hubby brought me out to eat. we were deciding whether to go western, japanese, chinese or italian. Finally we decided on Hartz Chicken.
If I tell you I don't have a weight issue - I am lying but I have always been PHAT - Pretty Hot And Thick......So ...what is the problem?.
I just came back from dinner with frens. We went Japanese; Sushi King@tHE SPRING. Nice place, nice food and nice companion. Too bad I didn't take photos but it was a good deal. There were having 50% discount off on their Sushi.All you need to do is sms to them first my111 sushiking then send to 33365. Give it half an hour they will reply back but the sms will cost you RM3.50 and the validity is a week from the day you sms to them. then when you want to pay, you just show them the sms.
Last night lagi best, Since the kids were all attending a fren's birthday party with the parent and brothers, hubby brought me out to eat. we were deciding whether to go western, japanese, chinese or italian. Finally we decided on Hartz Chicken.
If I tell you I don't have a weight issue - I am lying but I have always been PHAT - Pretty Hot And Thick......So ...what is the problem?.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Ensera Apai Saloi.
One day in a land called Panggau Libau, Apai Saloi enthroned himself ; with the help of his friends as the leader of the rakyat. He promised to give and share all the wealth of the country with the rakyat and promised to put the rakyat's interest first rather than his or his family members' interest. He was dedicated and Panggau Libau grew tremendously. The people liked him and let him rules for many years.
One by one the family members started to own more land and even managed to buy the rakyat's soul. Suddenly the rakyat's eyes were opened becoz whenever Apai Saloi help to sell the fruits of the land he managed to keep at least half for himself even sharing with his family members and they became rich and richer and richer. By then the rakyat started to realized things but were unable to do anything becoz he did his duties well even though along the ways got wealthy with the rakyat's produces......
He grew old and told the rakyat to let his son take over from him. His son with no experience in handling the rakyat's needs agreed becoz he just love having the wealth. But It is still in the rakyat' hands, they can choose too or not too.....So choose wisely..
One by one the family members started to own more land and even managed to buy the rakyat's soul. Suddenly the rakyat's eyes were opened becoz whenever Apai Saloi help to sell the fruits of the land he managed to keep at least half for himself even sharing with his family members and they became rich and richer and richer. By then the rakyat started to realized things but were unable to do anything becoz he did his duties well even though along the ways got wealthy with the rakyat's produces......
He grew old and told the rakyat to let his son take over from him. His son with no experience in handling the rakyat's needs agreed becoz he just love having the wealth. But It is still in the rakyat' hands, they can choose too or not too.....So choose wisely..
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday Dinner
I thought I bring hubby & and the kids for dinner outing tonite. ND had better plans. So off we went to Dong Guan. See what we ate.....

Far end is the Manggo Fish and right here is the mixed vege.
Had to leave early coz Beth suddenly came up with fever and wasn't feeling herself. The weekend was really a Blogging weekend for me. Thank you Honey for understanding your wife new craze... You makan maggie lagi lah, I didn't cook.....
My Blog New Look
I like it........
It's fresh, young and has zest in it.
Still new to blogging, in fact had some widget lost in the process of changing the look. Got ND steamed too (Sori ya, your sister is addicted and a baby in blogging, Kalau ada silap dan salah, tolong ajarkan).
It's fresh, young and has zest in it.
Still new to blogging, in fact had some widget lost in the process of changing the look. Got ND steamed too (Sori ya, your sister is addicted and a baby in blogging, Kalau ada silap dan salah, tolong ajarkan).
Work/Life Balance
The bank realized that in order to make the bank the best place to work and to make staff happier, we (all staff including bosses) are require to go off early once a week and do things we like TOGETHER - MANDATORY!!! So some department organized Jogging and that's it. The magic words here are "do things we LIKE".
Long before the bank discovered this Work/Life Balance, few of us already understood the concept, right guys....We were so tight up with work, stressed and dreaded Monday (and still have the blues) and suddenly a bulb just appeared on somebody's head. Each month we will pool in funds from everybody (There were 10 of us) and when we have enough funds we will go out and do things we like the most - EAT and stuff ourselves to the fullest. We call our group HfH - Humanity for Food (LOL)
Last Friday we went to Mian Ann Restaurant. I took some photos at first but then lust came I totally ignored snapping.

Long before the bank discovered this Work/Life Balance, few of us already understood the concept, right guys....We were so tight up with work, stressed and dreaded Monday (and still have the blues) and suddenly a bulb just appeared on somebody's head. Each month we will pool in funds from everybody (There were 10 of us) and when we have enough funds we will go out and do things we like the most - EAT and stuff ourselves to the fullest. We call our group HfH - Humanity for Food (LOL)
Last Friday we went to Mian Ann Restaurant. I took some photos at first but then lust came I totally ignored snapping.

Kelvin amusing Jane & Joanna

Fiona & I and Emily between Joanna and Jane
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